Storytelling has been around for ages. It has helped people communicate and connect. If used correctly, it can be a powerful marketing tool that will help you build your brand.

Social media offers platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, to name a few, where people can quickly interact with brands. It also gives businesses the chance to get closer than ever to their clients.

People care about a story if it resonates with them. This is the opportunity to craft something meaningful that will go straight to their hearts and even have the potential to boost the value of your products or services.

Let’s see how you can use storytelling to build your brand on social media.

Storytelling will engage your customers

1. Know Your Target Audience.

Everyone loves stories, but you need to know how to tell yours so that they will appeal to your audience. Harmonize with them by speaking using their tone.

You want them to feel the story. If the tone is off, the story will remain unnoticed. Your brand story should have a compelling message so people will listen to it.

2. Make It Emotional And Engaging

People connect if they feel addressed. The story should trigger a strong emotion. They should resonate with it so do your best to make them part of the story.

Ask questions that will be familiar to them. Talk about the issues that they might be going through. It’s best to end the story with a positive note.

3. Don’t Shy Away From Getting Personal.

Determine your story. How did the brand come to life? What’s the founder’s story?

It’s good to mention your business principles. But it’s even better to talk about your motivation and vision. You can even show the vulnerable side behind the business idea and share the path that led you to your beliefs?

The story should be an experience for the readers. They should understand where you’re coming from and how you got to your brand’s message.

You can even use different topics that might not seem related to your product. You can tie them up not only to your brand but to a greater purpose and catch people’s attention.

Find a balance with your brand and voice4. Find Balance.

Be professional, but show the human side as well. Understand what your customers care about and their life. It works best to stay consistent with your voice so that the readers will recognize your storytelling style. This is essential especially if you create a story series or split your story into chapters.

You can use some sense of humor to engage better. Still, keep it friendly and avoid at any cost jokes that might offend your audience.

Avoid vague and meaningless words. Keep in mind that people’s attention span is incredibly short and you have to hook them up with every word. Stick to words that truly add something to the story, especially if the story itself is quite long to begin with.

5. Support Causes

Don’t always focus on your brand’s story. If you believe in a cause, don’t hesitate to raise awareness. People love brands that care about social or environmental issues and give back.

It also engages them more and gets the word out for your brand as well. Just make sure it’s a genuine interest that reflects in your approach and actions. It could be protecting a forest, abandoned pets or anything in between.

6. Help People Imagine The Story.

Paint a vivid picture in their minds by adding relevant images or videos. Make them literally see a part of the narrative. Focus on the platform that works best for your product. You’ll have to adjust according to the specifics of each channel.

Don’t forget to connect the brand to the story in an authentic way. You can consider using appealing hashtags or catchphrases.


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7. Pull Heart Strings.

You can create a rollercoaster of emotions that will remain in people’s minds. Good storytelling is exciting and plays on our emotions.

It captivates attention and makes people curious to find out what happens next. Your story needs a hero, which can be your brand or your customer.

Swipe them off their feet and take them in a journey, even if it’s just for a few seconds. Don’t forget to spice things up by adding different stories: about your community, products, and any other key element.

8. Get Creative.

You can create a character that is a good fit for your brand. It can be a real-life animal or a fictional mascot.

Keep in mind that in this case, it’s crucial to have a strategy. Think ahead of the storytelling approach that you want to use and whether the character can be easily involved in various types of interesting stories.

Mastering the power of storytelling can make a big difference for your business on social media. It can help you build a strong brand that the audience remembers and relates to.

What’s your story?



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