Remember a world without social media? It’s difficult, right? In less than a decade, social media has grown from a fun distraction to a critical component of successful online marketing strategies.
The secret to success is, of course, posting the right types of content—content that engages and brings the reader into a conversation (read – no “me, me” content!).
LinkedIn, for instance, has evolved from a professional networking site to a go-to platform for professionals of all kinds. Top- and mid-level managers look to LinkedIn for information about workplace trends. Individuals use it to network, stay current on what employers are looking for, and potentially find their next job.
LinkedIn has become an essential element of many companies’ marketing campaigns. This means readers are looking for quality content with more authenticity and transparency. It’s no longer enough to have a profile on LinkedIn, and hope you make the “right” connections. You must be an active, visible member of the platform, creating engaging content, and broadening your reach.
When used as part of a strong content marketing strategy, LinkedIn can be a great way to position yourself and/or your company as an industry leader. We have a few tips to take your content creation from lukewarm to red hot.
How to write engaging content on LinkedIn
1. Keep it simple.
Most users are idly scrolling through their feeds, looking for something that catches their attention. Rather than laboring over in-depth, research-heavy content, stick to a quick, short-form post that captures a thought in a few short sentences. If you are sharing a post, you can always include a link to the article or blog post referenced to encourage audiences to read the full piece.
2. Post videos.
Video is a great way to engage your readers with your content. Any kind of visual allows you to present content more powerfully, but video is particularly effective. With this medium, the business owner and associates are the storytellers. Use video to give audiences a behind-the-scenes tour of your business, introduce your team, or capture a significant milestone like an anniversary, product launch, or new initiative.
3. Look forward.
Business leaders must stay informed about trends and the “next big thing” in their industry. Whether your company is at the forefront of innovation or simply want to weigh in on what’s happening in your field, LinkedIn is the perfect way to give your company’s perspective on current industry events.
4. Sharing data? Use an infographic.
Data presented in large blocks of text can be hard to digest. As already mentioned, visuals are a powerful method of delivering a message. So why not blend the two? Infographics are a great way to present data that is more streamlined and frankly easier to understand. Graphs are helpful, but an infographic with one outstanding statistic can have an even more substantial impact than a bunch of data. They are also simple to share, which supercharges engagement. Make them memorable!
5. Engage with others.
Of course, you want to talk about how great you are, but don’t forget to recognize the greatness of others. There is plenty of great content available on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, so why not comment when something resonates with you? Be a proactive reader—comment on posts that strike a particular chord, share posts, and ask questions in your original content to encourage others’ feedback.

What should I post on LinkedIn to get noticed?
Both quality and quantity are important when it comes to getting noticed on LinkedIn. Here are just a few examples of the types of content that work best:
Company highlights.
When creating content on behalf of a company, always think of its position within their industry. Create posts focused on how your company is responding to new trends or emerging technologies. Then narrow the focus to the immediate community. What are some of the company’s recent projects? How are they getting involved in the community? How do they recognize employees’ achievements? Can you work with your company’s leaders to develop blog posts or long-form articles focused on a hot topic? Look for ways to establish thought leadership.
Original or curated pieces relevant to your brand/industry.
The nice thing about social media is that not every post has to be 100 percent original. You can curate some of the posts you share on your page or company’s page. Curating is a great way to save time and brainpower (you don’t have to churn out organic posts every time). Use hashtags to identify your post among the other trending topics.
Photos, photos, photos.
As we already mentioned, infographics are a powerful way to break down data or complicated topics into smaller, easier-to-digest chunks. But don’t limit yourself to infographics. Actual photos are still effective for engaging your audience.
For a personal page, share images of your newest professional headshot (and give a shout out to the photographer you worked with), the certificate or degree you worked so hard to earn, or a few pics of you volunteering for a worthwhile cause. For a business page, post photos of employee achievements, company team-building events or other get-togethers, and any community events you sponsor or participate in.
Set up a posting schedule for all your social media platforms, so you have a content creation timeline. Scheduling is an essential component of the most effective content marketing strategies, so you develop timely content.
What type of content is best for LinkedIn?
Regardless of where LinkedIn fits in with your overall marketing strategy, make a conscious effort to drive traffic to your page. It seems kind of obvious to say the “best” content is the kind that converts readers to customers (or at least followers), but that is a simple truth.
With that said, the best kind of content is brief, thought-provoking, and relevant to your industry or interests:
- Blog posts. Do you know how everyone has been telling you to start a blog and post regularly? They are right, and your LinkedIn page is the perfect format to share your posts. You can raise your profile, engage with readers, and drive more readers to your website along the way
- Company news. Tell the world (at least the LinkedIn world) how you and your associates make a difference. Talk about the great things your company is doing or making. Give shout outs to co-workers who are rocking certifications, promotions, or making the world a little bit better through their volunteering.
- Industry news. LinkedIn is focused on the world of business in all forms. Whatever your field, there is a reader out there interested in hearing about it. Trends, latest developments, employment reports—it is all worthwhile.
- Visuals. In case you missed it, visuals work!
What is the benefit of posting content?
Getting noticed is the single most significant benefit of posting regular, relevant content on LinkedIn. Individuals should complete their profiles to the greatest extent possible—LinkedIn remains true to its roots as a way for job seekers and employers to connect.
Remember, your profile can still appear in the list of results for search engines, so be mindful of SEO and the words you use in your profile.
LinkedIn also allows you to grow your network. Besides posting information, there are hundreds of groups available on the site for virtually every industry or interest. Take a moment to browse those offerings and join a few. But don’t just join—be active. Post and engage with your fellow members.
LinkedIn remains a favorite social media site for professionals of all kinds. You never know when the next opportunity might appear, so remain visible, professional, and most of all, authentic in every piece of content you post.